2016年2月14日 星期日

Automotive LED lighting

Automotive LED lighting
(智明電子公司)---不可否認的LED燈在貨運行業的新標準。 LED燈使用1/10的白熾燈同行的電,他們這樣做沒有任何燈絲。這些事實意味著電氣系統不徵稅硬和維護成本降低。


2 則留言:

  1. LED Ming

    TAIPEI AMPA 2016.04.06~2016.04.9 4F CHI MING BOOTH NO. M1211
    LED Bulbs Manufacturers-Chi Ming Electronics Corp.
    Ch Ming Electronics Corp. http://www.chi-ming.com is Taiwan company offering innovative solution in the area of lighting system, include automotive bulbs, household bulbs, indication bulbs

    www.chi-ming.com ---kim@chi-ming.org

    Trucking LED,Auto LED bulbs,Auto LED Lighting.Train LED Bulbs,Motorcycle LED Bulbs,Boat LED Bulbs,Truck LED Bulbs,Auto Parts LED,Motor LED Light. LED LAMPS, FESTOON LAMPS, WEDGE LAMPS

  2. Auto LED Lighting

    Chi Ming Electronics Corp established in 1984 in Taiwan in the first few years our main products are MINIATURE LAMPs, after many years' development in the year 1993 , we formed a new factory in mainland China, and then we begin to produce many new items ,Trucking LED light

    E-mail: ling711218@gmail.com E-mail: kim@chi-ming.org

    LED Truck DEPARTMENT / TRUCKING LED LAMPS http://www.chi-ming.com
